Give Now

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11 Comments On “Give Now

  1. […] Make a tax-deductible gift today and help write the happy ending to Taylor’s Tale. […]...
  2. […]  Please help me write the happy ending to Taylor’s Tale. To support our fight to develop trea...
  3. […]  Please help me write the happy ending to Taylor’s Tale. To support our fight to develop treatmen...
  4. […] Make a tax-deductible donation to Taylor’s Tale in support of my 50 states challenge for kids...
  5. […] You can help Taylor’s Tale build a better future for millions like my sister who are battling ...
  6. […] You can help Taylor’s Tale build a better future for millions like my sister who are battling a ra...
  7. […] I’ll walk the Fargo 5k in a protective boot at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, May 8. Please consider mak...
  8. […] I walked the Fargo 5k in a protective boot on Friday, May 8, finishing in 1:00:24. Please consider...
  9. […] You can help ensure the continued success of the Gray Lab’s leading-edge work on behalf of ch...
  10. […] I believe in Steve Gray and his team at the UNC Gene Therapy Center, but we need continued funding a...
  11. […] Please consider making a donation to Taylor’s Tale in support of our fight to build a better futur...

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