I have to begin this post by saying ‘thank you’ to my Uncle David and Aunt Holly, who just hosted us at their house on glittering Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia for a quick Labor Day trip. The escape didn’t come a moment too soon for any of us, and under a flawless blue sky by day and velvet canvas spattered with stars by night, I, for one, enjoyed two of the happiest days I’ve had in a long, long time.
I started this blog with the intent to share stories about my sister, Taylor, Batten disease and Taylor’s Tale, the non-profit organization we founded to fight it. Even now, several years later, I continue to be amazed at the sorts of experiences that move me to log in to the blog site and write. In the interest of full disclosure, I will say that those experiences have, at times, suffered a drought as the disease has marched on in my sister. She is quieter, more reserved these days; completely blind instead of mostly blind; dances and talks less. I tell myself that part of this story is her age – in my experience, one of the hardest for a girl. But I know that I would be lying to myself if I didn’t attribute much of the sense of loss I feel these days to the disease.
I would also be lying if my blogs were all doom and gloom, my words painting our lives as all bad.
My current favorite quote was shared with me by Cindy Smith, mother of Brandon, who lost his life to Batten disease last fall:
“Life is not waiting for the storm to pass. It’s learning to dance in the rain.”
I never dreamed that 16 words could mean so much. These words light the way when my path becomes dark; they help me smile when all I want to do is cry. What better way to live our lives on this earth – whether we are stuck in a hurricane or a gentle spring rain? When I forget how to dance, I imagine myself running barefoot through sideways rain, my eyes squeezed shut and a big grin plastered across my face.
Again, in the interest of being honest here, I won’t try to convince myself that Taylor enjoyed our time at the lake in the same way that any of the rest of us did – from my parents and David and Holly on down to my little cousins and my husband and brother and myself. When we took the boat out late Sunday afternoon, she couldn’t see the green mountain rising out of the sparkling clear water to touch the perfect sky. When John caught a huge carp, she likely heard its big body flopping against the dock but will never know what it looked like. When my cousins set off by themselves in the kayak to paddle around the cove, T couldn’t join them.